Our Founder: Dr. Natalie Phillips
Dr. Natalie Phillips is passionate about building deep relationships and authentic connections to help make a difference in the world together. She is committed to assisting individuals and businesses to become more of who they are and to live out their brand. She believes in creating environments in which people can connect on different levels to help their businesses succeed. She created and is Founder and CEO of Connect4Excellence, LLC, a company dedicated to guide individuals, entrepreneurs, and businesses to connect to their own mission and culture, to connect to others at organized events, to connect to their own voice with a bigger audience on social media, and to connect to be able to give back and create social impact. She is host of Connecting A Better World, a podcast aimed to connect people to listen, learn, and spark interest in how they themselves see what they can bring forth to make this world a better place. She also hosted a weekly Facebook Live show, Just Connect, with topics surrounding ways to connect in business, social media, and in a professional setting. Catch the episode replays currently on YouTube.
Dr. Phillips is also an owner and Audiologist with Audiology Center of Northern Colorado in Fort Collins, Colorado. As co-host of a weekly Facebook Live show, All Things AuD, join in the conversation with Dr. Phillips every Thursday at 12:30pm MST to discuss and learn topics on ears, hearing, hearing technology, tinnitus, sound sensitivity, and balance disorders. In addition to seeing patients and diagnosing and treating hearing loss, tinnitus, and balance disorders of the ear, being involved in research and on clinical advisory boards, she has volunteered her time to travel overseas to India, Peru, Guyana, and Mexico as well as served in the United States as a Global Hearing Ambassador to deliver the gift of hearing with the Starkey Hearing Foundation by fitting hearing aids on people who are unable to afford the technology.
She was a founding sister of Women Unite, a group of women whose mission was to inspire, ignite, and assist other women achieve their potential in today’s professional setting. Dr. Phillips is a Global Ambassador Emeritus and served on the Legacy Project Steering Committee for Empowering A Billion Women by 2020, an initiative to provide the tools, technology, and resources to empower women as leaders and successful entrepreneurs.
#Connect4Excellence #Connect4Life
Why choose our services
We care about YOU and are dedicated to help you find and refine the VOICE of your business. We believe it is important to know who you are and understand how being YOU can connect you to others to help your business grow and succeed.